What Is The CISS And How Does It Work ?
- Save up to 95% on printing costs (YES, up to 20 times cheaper !) compared with ordinary ink cartridges
- It is conveniently sold full with the ink equivalent of up to 28 sets of ordinary ink cartridges, and you will not refill it for a (very…) long time
- The printing quality is similar to that obtained from using ordinary cartridges.
How does the CISS (continuous ink supply system) work?
The CISS (also known as the continuous ink supply system) is compatible with many models of inkjet printers. The system delivers a continuous flow of ink to a special type of ink cartridge, through a capillary system connected to external reservoirs. Cartridges never get dry and you don’t have to replace them. Instead, you need to add ink in the external tanks when they are almost empty (reaching about 10-20% of capacity).